Source code for catmap.solvers.mean_field_solver

from .solver_base import *
from import templates
from copy import copy
import mpmath as mp
from catmap.functions import numerical_jacobian

[docs]class MeanFieldSolver(SolverBase): """Class for handling mean-field type kinetic models. Can be sub-classed to get functionality for steady-state solutions, sabatier solutions, etc."""
[docs] def __init__(self,reaction_model=None): SolverBase.__init__(self,reaction_model) defaults = dict( tolerance = 1e-35, perturbation_size = 1e-14, ) self._rxm.update(defaults) self._log_strings = { 'jacobian_fail': "stagnated or diverging (residual = ${resid})."+\ " Assuming Jacobian is 0.", }
[docs] def get_rxn_rates(self,coverages,rate_constants): """ returns list of reaction rate for each elementary reaction based on reaction constants & coverage .. todo:: coverages, rate_constants """ rates = self.elementary_rates( rate_constants, coverages, self.gas_pressures, self._mpfloat, self._matrix ) return [ri for ri in rates]
[docs] def get_rate(self, rxn_parameters, coverages=None, verify_coverages=True, **coverage_kwargs): if not coverages: coverages = self._coverage if not coverages: raise ValueError('Input coverages to use as an initial guess '+\ 'for the solver.') if verify_coverages == True: coverages = self.get_coverage( rxn_parameters,coverages,**coverage_kwargs) self._coverage = coverages rate_constants = self.get_rate_constants(rxn_parameters,coverages) rates = self.get_rxn_rates(coverages,rate_constants) return rates
[docs] def get_turnover_frequency(self,rxn_parameters,rates=None,verify_coverages=True): """ return list of turnover frequencies of all the gas-phase species :param rates: list of rates of each rxn :type rates: list :param verify_coverages: verify that the species has a certain value for the coverage :type verify_coverages: bool, optional :param rxn_parameters: reaction parameters, see solver-base """ rxn_parameters = list(rxn_parameters) if rates is None: rates = self.get_rate(rxn_parameters,verify_coverages=verify_coverages) def gas_to_idxs(gas): idxs = [] for i,rxn in enumerate(self.elementary_rxns): if gas in rxn[0]: idxs.append(-(i+1)) elif gas in rxn[-1]: idxs.append(i+1) return idxs def idx_to_rate(idx,rates): if idx < 0: mult = -1.0 elif idx > 0: mult = 1.0 i = abs(idx) -1 return mult*rates[i] turnover_freq = [] for g in self.gas_names: idxs = gas_to_idxs(g) tof = sum([idx_to_rate(idx,rates) for idx in idxs]) turnover_freq.append(tof) self._turnover_frequency = turnover_freq return turnover_freq
[docs] def get_selectivity(self,rxn_parameters,weights=None): """ return list of selectivity of each reaction :param rxn_parameters: reaction parameters, see solver-base :param weights: weights for each species. Defaults to 1 for all species """ tofs = self.get_turnover_frequency(rxn_parameters) if weights is None: weights = [1]*len(tofs) #use for weighted selectivity (e.g. % carbon) if self.products is None: self.products = [g for g,r in zip(self.gas_names,tofs) if r >0] if self.reactants is None: self.reactants = [g for g,r in zip(self.gas_names,tofs) if r <=0] prod_rate = sum([max(r*w,0) for g,r,w in zip(self.gas_names,tofs,weights) if g in self.products]) reac_rate = sum([max(-r*w,0) for g,r,w in zip(self.gas_names,tofs,weights) if g in self.reactants]) selectivities = [] for g,r,w in zip(self.gas_names,tofs,weights): if g in self.products and prod_rate: sel = max(r*w,0)/prod_rate elif g in self.reactants and reac_rate: sel = max(-r*w,0)*w/reac_rate else: sel = 0 selectivities.append(sel) if weights is None: self._selectivities = selectivities return selectivities
[docs] def get_rate_control(self,rxn_parameters): """ return list of degree of rate control for each reaction Ref: Stegelmann et al., DOI: 10.1021/ja9000097 :param rxn_parameters: reaction parameters, see solver-base """ kT = self._kB*self.temperature eps = self._mpfloat(self.perturbation_size) try: diff_idxs = range(len(self.adsorbate_names+self.transition_state_names)) dRdG = numerical_jacobian(self.get_turnover_frequency,rxn_parameters,self._matrix,eps,diff_idxs=diff_idxs) except ValueError(strerror): resid = str(strerror).rsplit('=',1)[1] resid = resid.replace(')','') resid.strip() self.log('jacobian_fail',resid=resid) dRdG = np.zeros((len(self.gas_names),len(self.adsorbate_names+self.transition_state_names))) t0 = self.get_turnover_frequency(rxn_parameters) dRdG *= -kT dRdG = dRdG.tolist() DRC = [] for ti, Ji in zip(t0,dRdG): if ti == 0: DRC.append([0.0]*len(Ji)) else: DRC.append([float(Jj/ti) for Jj in Ji]) return DRC
[docs] def get_interacting_energies(self,rxn_parameters): """ return the integral energy under high coverage with interactions :param rxn_parameters: reaction parameters, see solver-base """ all_ads = self.adsorbate_names + self.transition_state_names N_ads = len(all_ads) energies = rxn_parameters[:N_ads] eps_vector = rxn_parameters[N_ads:] cvg = self._coverage + [0]*len(self.transition_state_names) E_int = self.interaction_function(cvg,energies,eps_vector,self.thermodynamics.adsorbate_interactions.interaction_response_function,False,False)[1] return E_int
[docs] def get_selectivity_control(self,rxn_parameters): """ return the list of degree of selectivity control for each rxn :param rxn_parameters: reaction parameters, see solver-base """ kT = self._kB*self.temperature eps = self._mpfloat(self.perturbation_size) try: dSdG = numerical_jacobian(self.get_selectivity,rxn_parameters,self._matrix,eps) except ValueError(strerror): resid = str(strerror).rsplit('=',1)[1] resid = resid.replace(')','') resid.strip() self.log('jacobian_fail',resid=resid) dRdG = np.zeros((len(self.gas_names),len(self.adsorbate_names+self.transition_state_names))) s0 = self.get_selectivity(rxn_parameters) dSdG *= -kT dSdG = dSdG.tolist() DSC = [] for si, Ji in zip(s0,dSdG): if si == 0: DSC.append([0.0]*len(Ji)) else: DSC.append([float(Jj/si) for Jj in Ji]) return DSC
[docs] def get_rxn_order(self,rxn_parameters,epsilon=1e-10): """ return the reaction orders for the reactants :param rxn_parameters: reaction parameters, see solver-base :param epsilon: degree of perturbation in pressure :type epsilon: float, optional """ current_tofs = self.get_turnover_frequency(rxn_parameters) current_Ps = [p for p in self.gas_pressures] DRC = [] for i,p in enumerate(current_Ps): new_p = copy(current_Ps) new_p[i] = current_Ps[i]*(1+epsilon) self.gas_pressures = new_p new_tofs = self.get_turnover_frequency(rxn_parameters) DRC_i = [] for j,old_tof,new_tof,gas in zip( range(0,len(current_tofs)),current_tofs,new_tofs,self.gas_names): if old_tof == 0: if new_tof == 0: dTOF = 0 else: dTOF = (new_tof-old_tof)/new_tof else: dTOF = (new_tof-old_tof)/old_tof dP = (new_p[i] - current_Ps[i])/current_Ps[i] DRC_i.append(float(dTOF/dP)) DRC.append(DRC_i) self.gas_pressures = current_Ps self._rxn_order = DRC return DRC
[docs] def get_apparent_activation_energy(self,rxn_parameters,epsilon=1e-10): """ returns apparent Arrhenius activation energies (in units of R) for production/consumption of each gas phase species. Calculated as E_app = T^2(dlnr_+/dT)=(T^2/r_+)(dr_+/dT), where r+ is the TOF :param rxn_parameters: reaction paramenters, see solver-base :param epsilon: degree of pertubation in temperature :type epsilon: float, optional """ current_tofs = self.get_turnover_frequency(rxn_parameters) current_T = self.temperature new_T = current_T*(1+epsilon) dT = new_T-current_T self.temperature = new_T descriptors = list(self._rxm.mapper._descriptors) #don't overwrite them, if temperature is a descriptor if 'temperature' in self._rxm.descriptor_names: index = self._rxm.descriptor_names.index('temperature') descriptors[index] = new_T rxn_parameters_newT = self._rxm.scaler.get_rxn_parameters(descriptors) new_tofs = self.get_turnover_frequency(rxn_parameters_newT) E_apps = [] R = 8.31447e-3/96.485307#units of eV for i,gas in enumerate(self.gas_names): barriers_i = [] dlnTOF = mp.log(new_tofs[i])-mp.log(current_tofs[i]) #this will fail if any of the TOFs are 0. E_app = R*float(dlnTOF.real)/dT*(current_T**2) E_apps.append(E_app) self.temperature = current_T self._apparent_activation_energy = E_apps #self.get_turnover_frequency(rxn_parameters) print(E_apps) return E_apps
[docs] def summary_text(self): """Stub for producing solver summary. """ return r"\begin{verbatim}" + "\n".join(self.rate_equations()) + "\n\end{verbatim}"
[docs] def rate_equation_term(self,species_list,rate_constant_string,d_wrt=None): """ Function to compose a term in the rate equation - e.g. kf[1]*theta[0]*p[0] :param species_list: list of species in rate equations :type species_list: list """ #This clause allows for multiple site types. site_indices={} gas_idxs = [self.gas_names.index(gas) for gas in species_list if gas in self.gas_names] ads_idxs = [self.adsorbate_names.index(ads) for ads in species_list if ads in self.adsorbate_names] sites = [s for s in species_list if s in self.site_names] #allows for multiple site types if len(gas_idxs+ads_idxs+sites) != len(species_list): raise ValueError('Undefined species in '+','.join(species_list)) rate_string = rate_constant_string if not d_wrt: for id in gas_idxs: rate_string += '*p['+str(id)+']' for id in ads_idxs: rate_string += '*theta['+str(id)+']' for s in sites: rate_string += '*s['+str(self.site_names.index(s))+']' return rate_string else: d_idx = self.adsorbate_names.index(d_wrt) d_site = self.species_definitions[d_wrt]['site'] if (d_idx in ads_idxs #expression is a function of d_wrt and d_site not in sites): #empty site not there -> easy multiplier = ads_idxs.count(d_idx) #get order ads_idxs.remove(d_idx) #reduce order by 1 if multiplier != 1: rate_string = str(multiplier)+'*'+rate_string elif (d_site in sites #empty site appears, and d_idx not in ads_idxs): #but not the adsorbate multiplier = sites.count(d_site) multiplier = -1*multiplier #this accounds for the #fact that d_site/d_ads = -1 sites.remove(d_site) #reduce the order of site by 1 rate_string = str(multiplier)+'*'+rate_string elif (d_site in sites #function of adsorbate and d_idx in ads_idxs): #and function of site (1-theta_i) #need to use chain rule... ads_mult = ads_idxs.count(d_idx) site_mult = sites.count(d_site)*-1 #negative 1 to account for #d_site/d_ads ads_str = 'theta['+str(d_idx)+']' site_str = 's['+str(self.site_names.index(d_site))+']' sites = [s for s in sites if s != d_site] #remove d_site #from the site list ads_idxs = [a for a in ads_idxs if a != d_idx] #remove d_idx #for adsorbate list if (-site_mult-1): op = '*' else: op = '' mult_rule = '('+str(site_mult)+'*'+ads_str+op+'*'.join( [site_str]*(-site_mult-1)) # cvg*d_site mult_rule += ' + '+str(ads_mult)+'*'+site_str+'*'.join( [ads_str]*(ads_mult-1))+ ')' rate_string += '*'+mult_rule else: return '0' for id in gas_idxs: rate_string += '*p['+str(id)+']' for id in ads_idxs: rate_string += '*theta['+str(id)+']' for s in sites: rate_string += '*s['+str(self.site_names.index(s))+']' return rate_string
[docs] def site_string_list(self): """Function to compose an analytic expression for the coverage of empty sites""" site_strings=[] site_totals={} for site in self.site_names: site_totals[site] = self._mpfloat(self.species_definitions[site]['total']) site_idxs = [[idx,self.species_definitions[ads]['n_sites']] for idx,ads in enumerate(self.adsorbate_names) if self.species_definitions[ads]['site'] == site] site_str = repr(site_totals[site]) for idx_i,nsites in site_idxs: site_str += ' - theta['+str(idx_i)+']' site_strings.append('('+site_str+')') return site_strings
[docs] def substitutions_dict(self): """Dictionary of substitutions needed for static compiled functions""" subdict = {} subdict['temperature'] = 'T = '+repr(self.temperature) subdict['kB'] = 'kB = '+repr(self._kB) subdict['h'] = 'h = '+repr(self._h) subdict['prefactor_list'] = 'prefactor_list = [' + ', '.join(self.prefactor_list) + ']' subdict['n_adsorbates'] = 'n_adsorbates = '+str(len(self.adsorbate_names)) subdict['n_transition_states'] = 'n_transition_states = '+str(len(self.transition_state_names)) max_cvg_list = [] for ads in self.adsorbate_names: site = self.species_definitions[ads]['site'] default_max = self.species_definitions[site]['total'] max_cvg_list.append(self.species_definitions[ads].get('max_coverage',default_max)) subdict['max_coverage_list'] = 'max_coverage_list = ' + repr(max_cvg_list) idx_dict = {} surf_species = self.adsorbate_names+self.transition_state_names for s in self.site_names: for q in self.site_names: if s == q: idxs = [surf_species.index(a) for a in surf_species if self.species_definitions[a]['site'] == s] if idxs: if self.adsorbate_interaction_model not in ['ideal',None]: default_params = getattr( self.thermodynamics.adsorbate_interactions, 'interaction_response_parameters',{}) else: default_params = {} F_params = self.species_definitions[s].get('interaction_response_parameters',default_params) idx_dict[s] = [idxs,self.species_definitions[s]['total'],F_params] elif self.adsorbate_interaction_model == 'second_order' and 'g' not in [s,q]: if '&'.join([s,q]) not in idx_dict and '&'.join([q,s]) not in idx_dict: key = '&'.join([s,q]) idxs = [surf_species.index(a) for a in surf_species if self.species_definitions[a]['site'] in [s,q]] if idxs: if self.adsorbate_interaction_model not in ['ideal',None]: default_params = getattr( self.thermodynamics.adsorbate_interactions, 'interaction_response_parameters',{}) else: default_params = {} cirp = 'cross_interaction_response_parameters' if cirp in self.species_definitions[s]: F_params = self.species_definitions[s][cirp][q] elif cirp in self.species_definitions[q]: F_params = self.species_definitions[q][cirp][s] else: print(('Warning: No cross-site interaction params specified' ' for {s},{q}. Assuming interaction params of {s}.') .format(**locals())) F_params = self.species_definitions[s].get( 'interaction_response_parameters',default_params) max_cvg = (self.species_definitions[s][ 'total'] + self.species_definitions[q]['total'])/2. idx_dict[key] = [idxs,max_cvg,F_params] subdict['site_info_dict'] = 'site_info_dict = ' + repr(idx_dict) return subdict
[docs] def rate_equations(self): """Compose analytical expressions for the reaction rates and change of surface species wrt time (dc/dt). Assumes: kf is defined as a list of forward rate-constants kr is defined as a list of reverse rate-constants theta is defined as a list of coverages p is defined as a list of pressures """ site_strings = self.site_string_list() rate_strings = [] rate_strings.append('s = [0]*'+str(len(self.site_names))) for i,s in enumerate(site_strings): rate_strings.append('s['+str(i)+'] = '+site_strings[i]) for i,rxn in enumerate(self.elementary_rxns): fRate_string = self.rate_equation_term(rxn[0],'kf['+str(i)+']') rRate_string = self.rate_equation_term(rxn[-1],'kr['+str(i)+']') rateString = 'r['+str(i)+'] = '+fRate_string + ' - ' + rRate_string rate_strings.append(rateString) dcdt_strings = [] for i,ads in enumerate(self.adsorbate_names): dcdt_str = 'dtheta_dt['+str(i)+'] = ' for j,rxn in enumerate(self.elementary_rxns): rxnCounts = [-1.0*rxn[0].count(ads), 1.0*rxn[-1].count(ads)] rxnOrder = [o for o in rxnCounts if o] if rxnOrder: rxnOrder = rxnOrder[0] dcdt_str += ' + ' + str(int(rxnOrder))+'*r['+str(j)+']' if dcdt_str.endswith('= '): dcdt_str += '0' dcdt_strings.append(dcdt_str) all_strings = rate_strings + dcdt_strings return all_strings
[docs] def jacobian_equations(self,adsorbate_interactions=True): """Composes analytical expressions for the Jacobian matrix. Assumes: kf is defined as a list of forward rate-constants kr is defined as a list of reverse rate-constants theta is defined as a list of coverages p is defined as a list of pressures If the rate constants depend on coverage, use adsorbate_interactions = True. Assumes: kB is defined as Boltzmann's constant T is defined as the temperature dEf is defined as a list of lists where dEf[i][j] is the derivative of forward activation free energy i wrt coverage j dEr is defined as a list of lists where dEr[i][j] is the derivative of reverse activation free energy i wrt coverage j :param: adsorbate_interactions: tell if need to include interactions :type: adsorbate_interactions: bool, optional """ site_strings = self.site_string_list() J_strings = [] J_strings.append('s = [0]*'+str(len(self.site_names))) for i,s in enumerate(site_strings): J_strings.append('s['+str(i)+'] = '+site_strings[i]) if adsorbate_interactions == True: J_strings.append('kfkBT = [0]*'+str(len(self.elementary_rxns))) J_strings.append('krkBT = [0]*'+str(len(self.elementary_rxns))) for i in range(len(self.elementary_rxns)): J_strings.append('kfkBT['+str(i)+'] = kf['+str(i)+']/kBT') J_strings.append('krkBT['+str(i)+'] = kr['+str(i)+']/kBT') for i,ads_i in enumerate(self.adsorbate_names): for j,ads_j in enumerate(self.adsorbate_names): J_str = 'J['+str(i)+']['+str(j)+'] = 0' for k,rxn in enumerate(self.elementary_rxns): rxnCounts = [-1.0*rxn[0].count(ads_i), 1.0*rxn[-1].count(ads_i)] rxnOrder = [o for o in rxnCounts if o] if rxnOrder: rxnOrder = rxnOrder[0] fRate_string = self.rate_equation_term(rxn[0],'kf['+str(k)+']',ads_j) rRate_string = self.rate_equation_term(rxn[-1],'kr['+str(k)+']',ads_j) if adsorbate_interactions == True: dfRate_string = self.rate_equation_term(rxn[0],'(kfkBT['+str(k)+'])*dEf['+str(k)+']['+str(j)+']') drRate_string = self.rate_equation_term(rxn[-1],'(krkBT['+str(k)+'])*dEr['+str(k)+']['+str(j)+']') fRate_string += ' + ' + dfRate_string rRate_string += ' - ' + drRate_string if fRate_string != '0' and rRate_string != '0': dr_dx = '('+fRate_string + ' - ' + rRate_string+')' elif fRate_string != '0': dr_dx = fRate_string elif rRate_string != '0': dr_dx = '-1*'+rRate_string elif fRate_string == rRate_string == '0': dr_dx = None if dr_dx: J_str += ' + ' + str(int(rxnOrder))+'*'+dr_dx J_strings.append(J_str) return J_strings
[docs] def reaction_energy_equations(self,adsorbate_interactions=True): """Composes a list of analytical expressions which give the reaction and activation energies for elementary steps. Note that while this is useful primarily for models with adsorbate-interactions (otherwise these energetics can easily be obtained by the reaction model itself), they are technically valid for all mean-field models. Assumes: Gf is a list of formation energies ordered as adsorbate_names+transition_state_names If model includes adsorbate interactions then use adsorbate_interactions = True to include dEa/dtheta in the output. Assumes: dGs is a matrix/array of derivatives of free energies wrt coverages such that dGs[:,i] is a vector of derivatives of the free energy of species i wrt each coverage ordered as adsorbate_names :param: adsorbate_interaction: specify whether or not to include interactions :type: adsorbate_interaction: bool, optional """ idx_dict = {} for i,ads in enumerate(self.adsorbate_names): idx_dict[ads] = str(i) for i,TS in enumerate(self.transition_state_names): idx_dict[TS] = str(i + len(self.adsorbate_names)) expressions = [] n_rxns = len(self.elementary_rxns) expressions.append('G_IS = [0]*'+str(n_rxns)) expressions.append('G_TS = [0]*'+str(n_rxns)) expressions.append('G_FS = [0]*'+str(n_rxns)) expressions.append('G_af = [0]*'+str(n_rxns)) expressions.append('G_ar = [0]*'+str(n_rxns)) if adsorbate_interactions == True: expressions.append('dG_IS = [0]*'+str(n_rxns)) expressions.append('dG_TS = [0]*'+str(n_rxns)) expressions.append('dG_FS = [0]*'+str(n_rxns)) def species_strings(state_list,list_name,include_constants=True,type='list'): """ return the strings containing the IS, TS and FS for the reactions :param: include_constants: tell if need to include the energies :type: include_constants: bool, optional :param: type: the output type :type: type: string, optional """ species_strs = [] for species in state_list: if species in idx_dict: if type == 'list': species_strs.append(list_name+'['+idx_dict[species]+']') elif type == 'matrix_row': species_strs.append(list_name+'['+idx_dict[species]+',:]') elif type == 'matrix_col': species_strs.append(list_name+'[:,'+idx_dict[species]+']') elif include_constants == True: if species in self.gas_names: idx = self.gas_names.index(species) species_strs.append('gas_energies['+str(idx)+']') elif species in self.site_names: idx = self.site_names.index(species) species_strs.append('site_energies['+str(idx)+']') else: raise ValueError('Undefined species '+species) if not species_strs: species_strs = ['[0]*'+str(len(self.adsorbate_names))] return species_strs for i,rx in enumerate(self.elementary_rxns): IS = rx[0] FS = rx[-1] if len(rx) > 2: TS = rx[1] else: TS = None txt = 'G_IS['+str(i)+'] = ' + ' + '.join(species_strings(IS,'Gf')) + '\n ' txt += 'G_FS['+str(i)+'] = ' + ' + '.join(species_strings(FS,'Gf')) + '\n ' if adsorbate_interactions == True: txt += 'dG_IS['+str(i)+'] = element_wise_addition([' + ' , '.join(species_strings(IS,'dGs',False,'list')) + '])\n ' txt += 'dG_FS['+str(i)+'] = element_wise_addition([' + ' , '.join(species_strings(FS,'dGs',False,'list')) + '])\n ' if TS: TS_strings = species_strings(TS,'Gf') txt += 'G_TS['+str(i)+'] = ' + ' + '.join(species_strings(TS,'Gf')) + '\n ' if adsorbate_interactions == True: txt += 'dG_TS['+str(i)+'] = element_wise_addition([' + ' , '.join(species_strings(TS,'dGs',False,'list')) + '])\n ' else: txt += 'G_TS['+str(i)+'] = max([G_IS['+str(i)+'],G_FS['+str(i)+']])' + '\n ' if adsorbate_interactions == True: txt += 'dG_TS['+str(i)+'] = None #determined later\n ' txt = txt.replace(' + 0', '') expressions.append(txt) return expressions
[docs] def get_empty_site_cvgs(self): """ take the coverages at a certain coverage_map entry and return the dict of all the empty-sites coverages i.e. dict[site_name] = coverage type: coverages: list """ site_cvgs = {} site_eqs = self.site_string_list() # get the eqns to calculate empty site coverages for site, eq in zip(self._rxm.site_names, site_eqs): # get all the site names in the model eq_list = eq[1:-1].split(' - ') res = 0. if 'mpf' in eq_list[0]: res = float(eq_list[0][eq_list[0].index('(\'')+2:eq_list[0].index('\')')]) elif 'theta' in eq_list[0]: res = float(self._coverage[int(eq_list[0][eq_list[0].index('[')+1:eq_list[0].index(']')])]) for species in eq_list[1:]: if 'mpf' in species: res -= float(species[species.index('(\'')+2:species.index('\')')]) elif 'theta' in species: res -= float(self._coverage[int(species[species.index('[')+1:species.index(']')])]) site_cvgs[site] = res return site_cvgs
[docs] def get_elem_ec(self,rxn_num,rxn_parameters,direction): ##rxn_num based on zero-index """ return the ec on a certain coverage_map entry of a certain elementary step based on rxn_number and direction given type: rxn_num: float direction: str ('kf' or 'kr') """ if direction == 'kf': eq = self.rate_equation_term(self._rxm.elementary_rxns[rxn_num][0],'kf['+str(rxn_num)+']') elif direction == 'kr': eq = self.rate_equation_term(self._rxm.elementary_rxns[rxn_num][-1],'kr['+str(rxn_num)+']') pressure = self._rxm.gas_pressures coverages = self._coverage rate_constants = self.get_rate_constants(rxn_parameters,coverages) site_cvg_dict = self.get_empty_site_cvgs() # get all the coverages necessary eq_list = eq.split('*') # split the rate expression parsed_results = 1. for species in eq_list: if 'kf' in species: parsed_results *= float(rate_constants[int(species[species.index('[')+1:species.index(']')])]) elif 'kr' in species: # use // division to ensure integer result under Python 2 & 3 parsed_results *= float(rate_constants[len(rate_constants)//2+int(species[species.index('[')+1:species.index(']')])]) elif 'p' in species: parsed_results *= float(pressure[int(species[species.index('[')+1:species.index(']')])]) elif 'theta' in species: parsed_results *= float(coverages[int(species[species.index('[')+1:species.index(']')])]) else: parsed_results *= site_cvg_dict[species[:species.index('[')]] return parsed_results
[docs] def get_directional_rates(self, rxn_parameters): """ get the exchange current density of a certain map entry on all elementary rxns for a given direction type: direction: str ('kf' or 'kr') """ num_rxns = len(self._rxm.elementary_rxns) directional_rates = [self.get_elem_ec(i,rxn_parameters,'kf') for i in range(num_rxns)] + [self.get_elem_ec(i,rxn_parameters,'kr') for i in range(num_rxns)] self._rxm._directional_rates = directional_rates return directional_rates