Source code for catmap.model

import os
import sys
import inspect
from copy import copy
import numpy as np
import catmap
from catmap import griddata
from string import Template
from . import functions
import re
from .data import regular_expressions
string2symbols = catmap.string2symbols
pickle = catmap.pickle
plt = catmap.plt

[docs]class ReactionModel: """ The central object that defines a microkinetic model consisting of: - active sites - species - possible reaction steps - rate constant expressions - descriptors and descriptor ranges - data files for energies - external parameters (temperature, pressures) - other more technical settings related to the solver and mapper """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Class for managing microkinetic models. :param setup_file: Specify <mkm-file> from which to load model. :type setup_file: str """ # Set static utility functions. for f in dir(functions): if not f.startswith('_') and callable(getattr(functions, f)): setattr(self, f, getattr(functions, f)) self._kB = 8.617332478e-5 # eV/K (from NIST) self._h = 4.135667516e-15 # eV s (from NIST) self._default_site = 's' self._gas_sites = ['g'] # These are requirements of any reaction model. self._required = {'adsorbate_names': tuple, 'transition_state_names': tuple, 'gas_names': tuple, 'descriptor_names': tuple, 'surface_names': tuple, 'species_definitions': dict, 'elementary_rxns': tuple, 'thermodynamics': None, 'numerical_representation': None, 'scaler': None, 'solver': None, 'mapper': None} self._classes = ['parser', 'scaler', 'thermodynamics', 'solver', 'mapper'] self._solved = None # Keeps track of whether or not the model was solved. # Attributes for logging self._log_lines = [] self._log_dict = {} self._log_strings = {'input_success': 'loaded all data from input file', 'header_fail': 'could not save ${save_txt}'} # Modules to import in the log file to allow opening with python -i self._log_imports = "from numpy import array\n\n" + \ "try:\n" + \ " import cPickle as pickle\n\n" + \ "except: #workaround for python3.X\n" + \ " import _pickle as pickle\n\n" # attrs taking up more space will be dumpted to self.data_file self._max_log_line_length = 8000 # 100 lines at 80 cols #Character used for loop depth in std out self._pickle_attrs = [] #attributes to pickle rather than ASCII #place to store warnings self._warned = [] #attributes for function generation self._function_templates = {} #dictionary of strings to be substituted into function templates self._function_substitutions = {} #dictionary of strings corresponding to all functions generated self._function_strings = {} #Some possible outputs, see scaler.set_output_attrs and solver.set_output_attrs: ##Solver level #coverage #rate #production_rate #consumption_rate #rxn_direction #selectivity #rate_control #rate_constant #equilibrium_constant ##Scaler level #rxn_parameter #frequency #electronic_energy #free_energy #zero_point_energy #enthalpy #entropy self.output_variables = ['coverage','rate'] #dictionary to save labels for plotting self.output_labels = {} for key in kwargs: setattr(self,key,kwargs[key]) if hasattr(self,'setup_file'): #parse in setup file. #Note that the syntax is simply python variable definitions. #This is NOT idiot proof. self.model_name = self.setup_file.rsplit('.',1)[0] self.load(self.setup_file)
# Functions for executing the kinetic model
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs): """Run the microkinetic model. If recalculate is True then data which is re-loaded will be used as an initial guess; otherwise it will be assumed to be correct. :param recalculate: If True solve model again using previous results as initial guess :type recalculate: bool """ for key in kwargs: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) # if 'all' is in output_variables, expand it to all processed output_variables # note that this expansion needs to happen in and not # ReactionModel.__init__ or it will not be caught in the if 'all' in self.output_variables: self.output_variables.remove('all') self.output_variables = sorted(list( set(self.output_variables).union( set( functions.fetch_all_output_variables() ) ) )) # Ensure resolution has the proper dimensions. if not hasattr(self.resolution, '__iter__'): self.resolution = [self.resolution]*len(self.descriptor_names) # Set numerical representation. if self.numerical_representation == 'mpmath': import mpmath as mp = self.decimal_precision + 25 # pad decimal precision self._math = mp self._log_imports += "\nfrom mpmath import mpf \n\n" self._kB = mp.mpf('8.617332478e-5') # eV/K (from NIST) self._h = mp.mpf('4.135667516e-15') # eV s (from NIST) self._mpfloat = mp.mpf self._matrix = mp.matrix self._Axb_solver = mp.lu_solve self._math.infnorm = lambda x: mp.norm(x, 'inf') elif self.numerical_representation in ['numpy', 'python']: self._log_imports += "\nfrom numpy import matrix \n\n" self._math = np self._math.infnorm = lambda x: np.linalg.norm(x, np.inf) self._mpfloat = float def matrixT(*args, **kwargs): array = np.array(args[0]) while 1 in array.shape: sum_idx = array.shape.index(1) array = array.sum(sum_idx) return array.T self._matrix = matrixT def Axb_solver(A, b): try: return np.linalg.solve(A, b.T) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: raise ZeroDivisionError self._Axb_solver = Axb_solver if self.decimal_precision > 15: print('Warning: Max precision with numpy/python is 16 digits') self.decimal_precision = 15 else: raise AttributeError( 'Numerical representation must be mpmath, numpy, or python.') # Set up interaction model. if self.adsorbate_interaction_model == 'first_order': interaction_model = \ catmap.thermodynamics.FirstOrderInteractions(self) interaction_model.get_interaction_info() response_func = interaction_model.interaction_response_function if not callable(response_func): int_function = getattr(interaction_model, response_func+'_response') interaction_model.interaction_response_function = int_function self.thermodynamics.__dict__['adsorbate_interactions'] = interaction_model elif self.adsorbate_interaction_model in ['second_order','multisite']: if self.adsorbate_interaction_model == 'second_order': interaction_model = catmap.thermodynamics.SecondOrderInteractions(self) elif self.adsorbate_interaction_model == 'multisite': interaction_model = catmap.thermodynamics.MultisiteInteractions(self) interaction_model.get_interaction_info() response_func = interaction_model.interaction_response_function if not callable(response_func): int_function = getattr(interaction_model, response_func+'_response') interaction_model.interaction_response_function = int_function self.thermodynamics.__dict__['adsorbate_interactions'] = interaction_model elif self.adsorbate_interaction_model in ['ideal',None]: self.thermodynamics.adsorbate_interactions = None else: raise AttributeError( 'Invalid adsorbate_interaction_model specified.') self.compatibility_check() # Determine whether or not to (re-)solve model. has_all = True for v in self.output_variables: if not hasattr(self, v+'_map'): has_all = False if not hasattr(self, 'stdout'): # Any re-loaded model will have stdout. has_all = False if self._solved == self._token() and \ not getattr(self, 'recalculate', None): # Do not solve the same model twice. has_all = True elif has_all and not getattr(self, 'recalculate', None): # All data has been loaded and no verification => solved. self._solved = self._token() self.log('input_success') else: ran_dsa = False # When no map exists, run descriptor space analysis first. if not getattr(self, 'coverage_map', None): # Make "volcano plot". if getattr(self, 'descriptor_ranges', None) and \ getattr(self, 'resolution', None): self.descriptor_space_analysis() ran_dsa = True # Get rates at single points. if getattr(self, 'descriptors', None): self.single_point_analysis(self.descriptors) # Get rates at multiple points. if getattr(self, 'descriptor_values', None): self.multi_point_analysis() # If a map exists, run descriptor space analysis last # (so that single-point guesses are not discarded). if not ran_dsa and (getattr(self, 'descriptor_ranges', None) and getattr(self, 'resolution', None)): self.descriptor_space_analysis() # Save long attrs in data_file. for attr in dir(self): if (not attr.startswith('_') and not callable(getattr(self, attr)) and attr not in self._classes): if (len(repr(getattr(self, attr))) > self._max_log_line_length): # Line is too long for logfile -> put into pickle self._pickle_attrs.append(attr) pickled_data = {} for attr in self._pickle_attrs: pickled_data[attr] = getattr(self, attr) try: pickle.dump(pickled_data, open(self.data_file, 'w')) except: # Fallback workaround for Py3 pickle.dump(pickled_data, open(self.data_file, 'wb')) # Make logfile log_txt = self._log_imports log_txt += self._header(exclude_outputs=self._pickle_attrs) self._stdout = '\n'.join(self._log_lines) log_txt += 'stdout = ' + '"'*3+self._stdout+'"'*3 # This construction means that self.stdout will only be set # for models which have been re-loaded. self._solved = self._token() if hasattr(self,'log_file'): logfile = self.log_file else: name, suffix = self.setup_file.rsplit('.', 1) if suffix != 'log': suffix = 'log' else: suffix = 'out' logfile = '.'.join([name,suffix]) f = open(logfile,'w') f.write(log_txt) f.close() if getattr(self,'create_standalone',None): self.make_standalone()
[docs] def descriptor_space_analysis(self): """ Use mapper to create map/volcano-plot of rates/coverages. """ self.mapper.get_output_map(self.descriptor_ranges,self.resolution)
[docs] def single_point_analysis(self,pt): """ Find rates/coverages at a single point. :param pt: Point in descriptor-space ([x,y]) :type pt: [float] """ self.mapper.get_point_output(pt) for out in self.output_variables: mapp = getattr(self,out+'_map',[]) if mapp is None: mapp = [] mapp.append([pt,getattr(self,'_'+out)]) setattr(self,out+'_map',mapp)
[docs] def multi_point_analysis(self): """ Analyze the output at a list of points. Points should be specified as a list in the descriptor_values attribute. """ for pt in self.descriptor_values: self.single_point_analysis(pt)
[docs] def generate_static_functions(self): "Dynamically compile static functions" for func_name in self._function_templates: if not callable(getattr(self,func_name,None)): template = Template(self._function_templates[func_name]) func_string = template.substitute(self._function_substitutions) self._function_strings[func_name] = func_string locs = {} exec(func_string, globals(), locs) setattr(self,func_name,locs[func_name])
#File IO functions
[docs] def load(self, setup_file): # """Load a 'setup file' by importing it and assigning all local variables as attributes of the kinetic model. Special attributes mapper, parser, scaler, solver will attempt to convert strings to modules.""" defaults = dict(mapper='MinResidMapper', parser='TableParser', scaler='GeneralizedLinearScaler', solver='SteadyStateSolver', thermodynamics='ThermoCorrections', numerical_representation = 'mpmath', adsorbate_interaction_model = 'ideal', prefactor_list=None, A_uc=None, interaction_fitting_mode=None, decimal_precision = 75, verbose = 1, data_file = 'data.pkl') globs = {} locs = defaults exec(compile(open(setup_file, 'r').read(), '<string>', 'exec'), globs, locs) for var in locs.keys(): if var in self._classes: #black magic to auto-import classes try: if locs[var]: if not var.endswith('s'): pyfile = var + 's' else: pyfile = var basepath=os.path.dirname( inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())) if basepath not in sys.path: sys.path.append(basepath) sublocs = {} subglobs = {} _temp = __import__(pyfile,subglobs,sublocs, [locs[var]]) #_temp = __import__(pyfile,globals(),sublocs, [locs[var]]) #no reason to mess with globals() unless we have to. class_instance = getattr(_temp,locs[var])(self) setattr(self,var,class_instance) else: setattr(self,var,None) except ImportError: raise AttributeError(var.capitalize()+' '+locs[var]+ \ ' could not be imported. Ensure that the class ' +\ 'exists and is spelled properly.') elif var == 'rxn_expressions': self.parse_elementary_rxns(locs[var]) setattr(self,var,locs[var]) else: setattr(self,var,locs[var]) if self.parser: if self.input_file: if getattr(self,'interaction_fitting_mode',None): #automatically parse in "coverage" if fitting interaction params self.parse_headers += ['coverage'] self.parse() #Automatically parse in data. self.load_data_file() self.set_rxn_options() self.generate_echem_TS() self.generate_echem_species_definitions() self.verify()
[docs] def load_data_file(self, overwrite=False): """ Load in output data from external files. """ if os.path.exists(self.data_file): try: pickled_data = pickle.load(open(self.data_file, 'r')) except: pickled_data = pickle.load(open(self.data_file, 'rb')) for attr in pickled_data: if not overwrite: if getattr(self, attr, None) is None: # Don't over-write setattr(self, attr, pickled_data[attr]) else: setattr(self, attr, pickled_data[attr])
[docs] def parse(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Read in all the information from the input_file. Alias to parser.parse. """ self.parser.parse(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def log(self,event,**kwargs): """ Add an event to the log file. This assumes that the template for the event has been specified in the _log_strings attribute of the class that calls the log() function. :param event: A key that defines the event to be logged. The _log_strings attribute of the subclass which calls log() should be a dictionary where `event` is a key and the value is a template string. The template string can contain the following variables which will auto-populate: * pt - the current point in descriptor space * priority - defaults to 0 In addition, the template may contain other variables which can be passed in as keyword arguments. The following are special arguments: *n_iter - the iteration number will be appended to the event title The event title should be of the form routinename_status, where routinename is the name of the routine/algorithm and the status is succeess/failure/evaluation/etc. :type event: str :param kwargs: Keyword arguments can be specified and will be passed into the template retrieved from _log_strings['event'] :type kwargs: keyword arguments """ message = self._log_strings[event] loop, status = event.rsplit('_',1) kwargs['loop'] = loop kwargs['status'] = status if not hasattr(self,'_descriptors'): self._descriptors = [0,0] if 'pt' not in kwargs: kwargs['pt'] = self.print_point(self._descriptors, self.descriptor_decimal_precision) if 'priority' not in kwargs: kwargs['priority'] = 0 if 'n_iter' in kwargs: log_string = \ '${loop}_iteration_${n_iter}: ${status} - '+message else: log_string = '${loop}_evaluation: ${status} - '+message log_string = Template(log_string).substitute(kwargs) if log_string not in self._warned: lg = self._log_dict.get(kwargs['pt'],[]) lg.append(log_string) self._log_dict[kwargs['pt']] = lg if self.verbose > kwargs['priority']: self._log_lines.append(log_string) print(log_string) if status == 'warning': self._warned.append(log_string)
#Parsing and formatting functions
[docs] def expression_string_to_list(self,eq): elementary_rxns = [] gas_names = [] adsorbate_names = [] transition_state_names = [] site_names = [] #Replace separators with ' ' regex = re.compile(regular_expressions['species_separator'][0]) eq = regex.sub(' ',eq) state_dict = functions.match_regex(eq, *regular_expressions['initial_transition_final_states']) rxn_list = [] for key in ['initial_state','transition_state','final_state']: state_list = [] state_str = state_dict[key] if state_str: state_strings = [si for si in state_str.split() if si] for st in state_strings: species_dict = functions.match_regex(st, *regular_expressions['species_definition']) if species_dict is None: raise UserWarning('Could not parse state: '+state_str) if species_dict['stoichiometry'] == '': species_dict['stoichiometry'] = 1 else: try: species_dict['stoichiometry'] = int( species_dict['stoichiometry']) except: raise ValueError('Non-integer stoichomtry: '+st) if species_dict['site'] is None: species_dict['site'] = self._default_site site_names.append(species_dict['site']) if species_dict['name'] != '*': species_key = species_dict['name']+'_'+species_dict['site'] else: species_key = species_dict['site'] if key in ['initial_state','final_state']: if species_dict['name'] != '*': if species_dict['site'] not in self._gas_sites: adsorbate_names.append(species_key) else: gas_names.append(species_key) else: if species_dict['name'] != '*': if species_key not in adsorbate_names+gas_names: transition_state_names.append(species_key) state_list += ([species_key]*species_dict['stoichiometry']) rxn_list.append(state_list) elif key == 'transition_state': pass # No transition-state else: raise ValueError('Initial or final state is undefined: '+eq) return rxn_list
[docs] def parse_elementary_rxns(self, equations): # """ Convert elementary reaction strings into structured elementary reaction lists. :param equations: List of reaction equation strings. For non-activated reactions (e.g. no activation barrier) the strings should follow a syntax like: * A_s + B_q <-> C_s + D_q * A_s + B_q -> C_s + D_q while an activated reaction should follow a syntax like: * A_s + B_q <-> A-B_s + \*_q -> AB_s + \*_q where A,B,C,D are names of chemical species, A-B is the name of a transition-state, and s,q are names of different site types. :type equations:[str] """ elementary_rxns = [] gas_names = [] adsorbate_names = [] transition_state_names = [] site_names = [] echem_transition_state_names = [] rxn_options_dict = {'prefactor':{}, 'beta':{}} for rxn_index, rxn in enumerate(equations): #Replace separators with ' ' regex = re.compile(regular_expressions['species_separator'][0]) # Parse out the reaction options. Options are key=value pairs that # are separated from reactions by ";" and from each other by "," eq = rxn options = None if rxn.count('->') > 2: print(("Warning: reaction\n\n" "\t({rxn_index})\t{rxn}\n\n is very long!\n" "Make sure this is intended and there is no missing ',' (comma)\n" "at the end of the line.\n").format(**locals())) if ';' in rxn: eq, options = rxn.split(';') if options: options = "".join(options.split(" ")) # ignore spaces suboptions = options.split(',') for subopt in suboptions: key, value = subopt.split('=') if key in rxn_options_dict: rxn_options_dict[key][rxn_index] = value eq = regex.sub(' ',eq) state_dict = functions.match_regex(eq, *regular_expressions['initial_transition_final_states']) rxn_list = [] for key in ['initial_state','transition_state','final_state']: state_list = [] state_str = state_dict[key] if state_str: state_strings = [si for si in state_str.split() if si] # echem transition state syntax parsing. generate echem transition state from TS like "^0.6eV_a" if key == 'transition_state' and len(state_strings) == 1 and state_strings[0].startswith('^'): try: preamble, site = state_strings[0].split('_') barrier = preamble.lstrip('^').rstrip('eV') echem_TS_name = '-'.join(["echemTS", str(rxn_index), barrier]) + "_" + site rxn_list.append([echem_TS_name]) echem_transition_state_names.append(echem_TS_name) continue except: raise ValueError('improper specification of electrochemical transition state. should be\ of the form "^0.6eV_a" for an 0.6 eV barrier on site a') elif key == 'transition_state' and len(state_strings) == 1 and state_strings[0].startswith('echemTS'): try: echem_TS = state_strings[0] preamble, site = echem_TS.split('_') echem, i, barrier = preamble.split('-') i = int(i) assert(rxn_index == i) barrier = float(barrier) echem_transition_state_names.append(echem_TS) continue except: raise ValueError('improper specification of electrochemical transition state. should be\ of the form "echemTS-10-0.6_a" for an 0.6 eV barrier on site a for rxn 10') for st in state_strings: species_dict = functions.match_regex(st, *regular_expressions['species_definition']) if species_dict is None: raise UserWarning('Could not parse state: '+state_str) if species_dict['stoichiometry'] == '': species_dict['stoichiometry'] = 1 else: try: species_dict['stoichiometry'] = int( species_dict['stoichiometry']) except: raise ValueError('Non-integer stoichomtry: '+st) if species_dict['site'] is None: species_dict['site'] = self._default_site site_names.append(species_dict['site']) if species_dict['name'] != '*': species_key = species_dict['name']+'_'+species_dict['site'] else: species_key = species_dict['site'] if key in ['initial_state','final_state']: if species_dict['name'] != '*': if species_dict['site'] not in self._gas_sites: adsorbate_names.append(species_key) else: gas_names.append(species_key) else: if species_dict['name'] != '*': if species_key not in adsorbate_names+gas_names: transition_state_names.append(species_key) state_list += ([species_key]*species_dict['stoichiometry']) rxn_list.append(state_list) elif key == 'transition_state': pass # No transition-state else: raise ValueError('Initial or final state is undefined: '+eq) elementary_rxns.append(rxn_list) gas_names = list(set(gas_names)) adsorbate_names = list(set(adsorbate_names)) transition_state_names = list(set(transition_state_names)) site_names = tuple(set(site_names)) for ts in transition_state_names: if ts in gas_names + adsorbate_names: transition_state_names.remove(ts) def sort_list(species_list): """ .. todo:: __doc__ """ if not species_list: return () new_list = [] for sp in species_list: if '_' not in sp: site = self._default_site else: name,site = sp.rsplit('_',1) new_list.append([site,sp]) new_list.sort() return list(zip(*new_list))[-1] self.gas_names = sort_list(gas_names) self.adsorbate_names = sort_list(adsorbate_names) self.transition_state_names = sort_list(transition_state_names) self.elementary_rxns = elementary_rxns self.site_names = site_names self.echem_transition_state_names = echem_transition_state_names self.rxn_options_dict = rxn_options_dict
[docs] def texify(self,ads): # """Generate LaTeX representation of an adsorbate. :param ads: Adsorbate short-hand. :type ads: str """ sub_nums = [str(n) for n in range(2,15)] ads_def = ads ads = ads.replace('-','\mathrm{-}') if self.species_definitions[ads_def]['type'] == 'site': return '*_'+ads elif '_' in ads: adsN,site = ads.split('_') else: adsN = ads site = 's' for num in sub_nums: adsN = adsN.replace(num,'_{'+num+'}') if site == 'g': site = '(g)' tex_ads = adsN + '_{'+site+'}' else: site = '*_'+site tex_ads = adsN + '^{'+site+'}' tex_ads = tex_ads.replace('}_{','') return tex_ads
[docs] def print_rxn(self,rxn,mode='latex',include_TS=True,print_out = False): """ Print a structured elementary step and print it as plain text or latex. :param rxn: Elementary step list of the form [[IS1,IS2,...],[TS1,TS2,...],[FS1,FS2,...]] where ISi,TSi,FSi correspond to species in the initial/transition/final states and the [TS1,TS2,...] list is optional. :type rxn: [[str]] :param mode: Output mode. Should be 'latex' for LaTeX, or 'text' for plain text. :type mode: str :param include_TS: Include the transition-state in the output. Optional parameter, default is True. :type include_TS:bool :param print_out: Print the reaction to stdout. Optional parameter, default is False. :type print_out:bool """ if mode == 'latex': def texify(ads): return self.texify(ads) def leftrightarrow(): return ' \leftrightarrow ' def rightarrow(): return r' \rightarrow ' elif mode == 'text': def texify(ads): return ads def leftrightarrow(): return '\t<->\t' def rightarrow(): return '\t->\t' IS = '+'.join([texify(a) for a in rxn[0]]) if len(rxn) > 2: TS = '+'.join([texify(a) for a in rxn[1]]) else: TS = None FS = '+'.join([texify(a) for a in rxn[-1]]) if TS and include_TS == True: rxn_str = IS + leftrightarrow() + TS + rightarrow() + FS else: rxn_str = IS + leftrightarrow() + FS if print_out == True: print(rxn_str) return rxn_str
[docs] @staticmethod def print_point(descriptors,n = 2): """ Pretty-print a set of descriptor values. :param descriptors: List of descriptor values [d1,d2,...] where d1,d2,... are floats corresponding to coordinates in descriptor space. :type descriptors: [float] :param n: Number of decimals to print out. Optional parameter, default is 2. :type n: int """ #Note that there is probably a much better way to do this with e.g. pprint. string = '[' for d in descriptors: d = float(d) string += str('%5.'+str(n)+'f') % d string += ',' string = string[:-1] #remove trailing comma string += ']' return string
[docs] def model_summary(self,summary_file='summary.tex'): """ Write summary of model into TeX file. :param summary_file: Filename where TeX summary of model is written. :type summary_file: str """ if not hasattr(self,'summary_file'): self.summary_file = summary_file latex_template =['latex_summary'] longtable_template =['latex_longtable'] subs_dict = {} #reactions out_txt = '' out_txt += r'\section{Elementary Reactions}' for n,rx in enumerate(self.elementary_rxns): out_txt+= '\n'+r'\begin{equation}' out_txt+= '\n'+r'\label{reaction_'+str(n)+'}' out_txt+= '\n'+self.print_rxn(rx) out_txt+= '\n'+r'\end{equation}' #scaling relations out_txt += r'\section{Scaling Summary}'+'\n' out_txt += self.scaler.summary_text() #thermodynamics out_txt += r'\section{Thermodynamics Summary}'+'\n' out_txt += self.thermodynamics.summary_text() #solver out_txt += r'\section{Solver Summary}' + '\n' out_txt += self.solver.summary_text() #inputs out_txt += r'\section{Input Summary}' + '\n' longtable_txt = '' max_freqs = 3 #This could be cleaned up a lot using templates... for spec in self.gas_names: energy = self.species_definitions[spec]['formation_energy'] freqs = [str(round(v*1e3,1)) for v in self.species_definitions[spec].get('frequencies',[])] frequencies = '\parbox[t]{3cm}{' while freqs: freq_subset = [freqs.pop(0) for i in range(0,max_freqs) if freqs] frequencies += ', '.join(freq_subset)+r'\\' frequencies = frequencies[:-2] + '}' def cleanstring(string): return string.replace('\r','').replace('"','').replace("'",'').replace('_','\_').replace('#','\#') ads,site = spec.rsplit('_',1) facet = 'gas' surf = 'None' ref_tag = '_'.join([surf,facet,ads]) reference = '\parbox[t]{4cm}{'+cleanstring(self.species_definitions[spec]['formation_energy_source'])+'}' spec_tex = '$'+self.texify(spec)+'$' tabrow = '&'.join( [spec_tex,'gas',str( round(energy,2)),frequencies,reference]) + r'\\' longtable_txt += tabrow + '\n' for spec in self.adsorbate_names + self.transition_state_names: energy = self.species_definitions[spec]['formation_energy'] refs = self.species_definitions[spec]['formation_energy_source'] for e,surf,ref in zip(energy,self.surface_names,refs): if e is not None: e = str(round(e,2)) if self.species_definitions[spec].get('frequencies',[]): freqs = [str(round(v*1e3,1)) for v in self.species_definitions[spec].get('frequencies',[])] frequencies = '\parbox[t]{3cm}{' while freqs: freq_subset = [freqs.pop(0) for i in range(0,max_freqs) if freqs] frequencies += ', '.join(freq_subset)+r'\\' frequencies = frequencies[:-2] + '}' else: frequencies = '' if '_' in spec: ads,site = spec.rsplit('_',1) else: ads = spec site = 's' facet = self.species_definitions[site]['site_names'] if str(facet) != facet: facet = ' or '.join(facet) reference = '\parbox[t]{4cm}{'+ \ cleanstring(ref) + '}' spec_tex = '$'+self.texify(spec)+'$' tabrow = '& '.join( [spec_tex,surf,e,frequencies,reference]) + r'\\' longtable_txt += tabrow + '\n' subs_dict['longtable_txt'] = longtable_txt longtable = Template(longtable_template).substitute(subs_dict) out_txt += longtable subs_dict['summary_txt'] = out_txt summary = Template(latex_template).substitute(subs_dict) f = open(self.summary_file,'w') f.write(summary) f.close()
#Self checks, debugging, and code-structure related functions.
[docs] def update(self,dictvar,override = False): """ Update the attributes of the model with the attribute names/vals included in dictvar. The keys of dictvar correspond to attributes of the ReactionModel to be set, and the values correspond to the values they will be set to. :param dictvar: Dictionary of key names corresponding to attributes of ReactionModel instance to be updated with the associated values in dictvar. :type dictvar: dict :param override: If True then the values in dictvar will override existing values of the attributes of ReactionModel instance. Optional parameter, default is False. :type override: bool """ if override == False: dictvar.update(self.__dict__) self.__dict__ = dictvar else: self.__dict__.update(dictvar)
[docs] def compatibility_check(self): """ Check that the reaction model has all required attributes. Required attributes can be specified in self._required. """ total_dict = self._required for var in total_dict: val = getattr(self,var,None) if total_dict[var]: try: right_type = total_dict[var](val) setattr(self,var,right_type) except: raise TypeError('The attribute '+str(var)+' must be '+ 'compatible with the function ' + str(total_dict[var])) if not hasattr(self,var): raise AttributeError('Reaction model must contain the '+ 'attribute '+str(var))
[docs] def verify(self): """ Run several consistency check on the model, such as : - all gas ratios add to 1. - all mass and site balances are fulfilled. - prefactors are set in the correct format. - a mapping resolution is set (the default is 15 data points per descriptor axis). """ #Check gas_ratios if hasattr(self,'gas_ratios') and self.gas_ratios: if sum(self.gas_ratios) != 1.0: print('Warning: gas_ratios do not sum to 1.'+ ' The total pressure will be '+str(sum(self.gas_ratios)) +' times the pressure indicated in output') #Check for mass/site balances on elementary equations def composition(state_list,type='atoms'): """ .. todo:: __doc__ """ total_comp = {} for sp in state_list: if type == 'atoms': comp = self.species_definitions[sp]['composition'] for atom in comp: if atom not in total_comp: total_comp[atom] = comp[atom] else: total_comp[atom] += comp[atom] elif type == 'sites': n_sites = self.species_definitions[sp].get('n_sites',1) if n_sites: site = self.species_definitions[sp]['site'] if site not in total_comp: total_comp[site] = n_sites else: total_comp[site] += n_sites for key in total_comp.keys(): if total_comp[key] == 0: del total_comp[key] return total_comp for rxn in self.elementary_rxns: if len(rxn) == 2: IS, FS = rxn TS = IS else: IS,TS,FS = rxn # ignore composition checking for echemTS stuff if 'echemTS' in TS[0]: TS = IS if composition(IS) == composition(TS) == composition(FS): pass else: raise ValueError('Mass balance is not satisfied for ' + \ self.print_rxn(rxn,mode='text')) if composition(IS,'sites') == composition(TS,'sites') == \ composition(FS,'sites'): pass else: raise ValueError('Site balance is not satisfied for ' + \ self.print_rxn(rxn,mode='text')+'. Make sure to '+\ 'set n_sites in species_definitions for species '+\ 'occupying more than 1 site') #Check that frequencies are defined if necessary #Check prefactor_list is in the right format default_prefactor = 'kB*T/h' default_prefactor_list = [default_prefactor] * len(self.elementary_rxns) if not self.prefactor_list: self.prefactor_list = default_prefactor_list elif isinstance(self.prefactor_list, list) and len(self.prefactor_list) == len(self.elementary_rxns): prefactor_list = [] for prefactor,rxn in zip(self.prefactor_list,self.elementary_rxns): if prefactor == None: prefactor_list.append(default_prefactor) elif isinstance(prefactor,dict): A_site = prefactor["A_site"] if prefactor["type"] == "non-activated": from ase.atoms import string2symbols from import atomic_masses from import atomic_numbers assert len(rxn) == 2 #if not, rxn is not non-activated all_species = [] for state in rxn: for species in state: all_species.append(species) gas_species = [] for species in all_species: if self.species_definitions[species]['type'] == 'gas': gas_species.append(species) if len(gas_species) != 1: raise ValueError('Prefactor of type non-activated can ' + \ 'only handle exactly one gas phase species per reaction') species_name = gas_species[0].split('_')[0] symbols = string2symbols(species_name) m = sum([atomic_masses[atomic_numbers[symbol]] for symbol in symbols]) _bar2Pa = 1.e5 _angstrom2m = 1.E-10 _u2kg = 1.660538921e-27 _eV2J = 1.602176565e-19 pf = '%s/mpsqrt(kB*T)'%(_bar2Pa*A_site*_angstrom2m**2/np.sqrt(2.*np.pi*m*_u2kg*_eV2J)) prefactor_list.append(pf) #sanity check #kB = 8.613e-5 #T=573. #pf = _bar2Pa*A_site*_angstrom2m**2/np.sqrt(2.*np.pi*m*_u2kg*_eV2J*kB*T) #print species_name,pf elif prefactor["type"] == "activated": pf = '%s*%s'%((A_site/self.A_uc),default_prefactor) prefactor_list.append(pf) else: prefactor_list.append(str(prefactor)) self.prefactor_list = prefactor_list else: raise ValueError('prefactor_list must be None or a list ' + \ 'containing a prefactor for each elementary rxn. The ' + \ 'elements of this list may contain None if you wish to use ' + \ 'the default prefactor of kB*T/h for that rxn') if not hasattr(self, 'resolution') or self.resolution is None: self.resolution = 15 print("Info: set resolution to {self.resolution} as default.".format(**locals())) if any(ads in ['ele_g', 'H_g', 'OH_g', 'pe_g'] for ads in self.species_definitions.keys()): self.thermodynamic_corrections.append('electrochemical')
#Data manipulation and conversion
[docs] def _header(self,exclude_outputs=[],re_parse=False): """ Create a string which acts as a header for the log file. The header string ensures that the logfile can be opened interactively by Python by importing necessary libraries and automatically reading in the data_file. :param exclude_outputs: Attribute names of ReactionModel to exclude in the log file. Optional parameter, default is []. :type exclude_outputs: [str] :param re_parse: Determines whether or not the parser should be specified in the log file. If a parser is included in the log file then a ReactionModel instantiated using that log file as a setup_file argument will attempt to re-parse values from the input_file and setup_file. Optional parameter, default is False. :type re_parse: bool """ header = '' for attr in self._classes: inst = getattr(self,attr) if inst: name = str(inst.__class__) junk,name = name.rsplit('.',1) name = name.replace("'",'').replace('>','') if re_parse: header += attr + ' = ' + "'"+name+"'\n\n" elif attr != 'parser': #don't include a parser -> no reparsing header += attr + ' = ' + "'"+name+"'\n\n" elif attr == 'parser': #don't include a parser -> no reparsing header += attr + ' = ' + 'None\n\n' else: header += attr + ' = ' + 'None\n\n' exec(self._log_imports) #needed for testing evaluation of log file #load in pickled data at the beginning header += 'binary_data = ' + 'pickle.load(open("' + \ self.data_file +'"))\n\n' header += 'locals().update(binary_data)\n\n' for attr in dir(self): if (not attr.startswith('_') and not callable(getattr(self,attr)) and attr not in self._classes): val = repr(getattr(self,attr)) new_line = '' if attr not in self._pickle_attrs: new_line = attr + ' = '+ val+ '\n\n' else: new_line += attr + ' = binary_data[' + attr + ']' if new_line: try: if 'binary_data[' not in new_line: #pickled data fails since it is saved after logfile exec(new_line) header+= new_line except: self.log('header_fail',save_txt = new_line) return header
[docs] def _token(self): """Create a 'token' which uniquely identifies the model based on the user-input parameters. Two models with identical tokens should have identical solutions, although this is not guaranteed if an expert user changes some private attributes.""" token = self._header() token = token.replace(' ','').replace('\n','') return token
[docs] def retrieve_data(self,mapp,point,precision=2): """ Retrieve the data corresponding to a given point in descriptor space from a CatMAP 'map' object. If no data is found for the specified point, then None is returned. :param mapp: CatMAP "map" structured lists of descriptor points and corresponding values. :type mapp: CatMAP map (see MapperBase) :param point: Coordinates of a point in descriptor space. :type point: [float] :param precision: Require descriptor coordinates to match with 'precision' decimals. Optional parameter, default is 2. :type precision: int """ if not mapp: return None n = precision if not hasattr(self,'_dict_maps'): self._dict_maps = {} if id(mapp) not in self._dict_maps: self._dict_maps[id(mapp)] = {} for pt,cvg in mapp: pt = tuple([round(v,n) for v in pt]) self._dict_maps[id(mapp)][pt] = cvg newpt = tuple([round(v,n) for v in point]) try: return self._dict_maps[id(mapp)][newpt] except KeyError: for pt,cvg in mapp: pt = tuple([round(v,n) for v in pt]) self._dict_maps[id(mapp)][pt] = cvg return self._dict_maps[id(mapp)].get(newpt,None)
[docs] def nearest_mapped_point(self,mapp,point): """Get the point in the map nearest to the point supplied""" pts,outs = list(zip(*list(mapp))) deltas = [] for pt in pts: dist = sum([(xi-xo)**2 for xi,xo in zip(point,pt)]) deltas.append(dist) min_idx = deltas.index(min(deltas)) return pts[min_idx]
[docs] @staticmethod def map_to_array(mapp,descriptor_ranges,resolution, log_interpolate=False,minval=None,maxval=None): """ Convert into CatMAP "map" data structure into numpy array. The "map" will be interpolated onto a regular grid. :param mapp: CatMAP "map" structured lists of descriptor points and corresponding values. :type mapp: CatMAP map (see MapperBase) :param descriptor_ranges: Minimum and maximum values of descriptor range for each dimension included in array. :type descriptor_ranges: [[float]] :param resolution: Resolution at which the descriptor ranges are sampled. :type resolution: int :param log_interpolate: Take logarithm of values before interpolation. Defaults to False. :type log_interpolate: bool, optional :param minval: Replace any values less than minval with minval. None implies no cutoff. Defaults to None. :type minval: float :param maxval: Replace any values greater than maxval with maxval. None implies no cutoff. Defaults to None. :type maxval: float """ desc_rngs = copy(descriptor_ranges) pts,datas = list(zip(*list(mapp))) cols = list(zip(*list(datas))) if len(pts[0]) == 1: xData = np.array(list(zip(*list(pts)))[0]) sorted_order = xData.argsort() maparray = np.zeros((resolution[0],len(datas[0]))) # resolution assumed to be [x, 1] x_range = desc_rngs[0] xi = np.linspace(x_range[0],x_range[1],resolution[0]) datas = list(zip(*list(datas))) for i,yData in enumerate(datas): yData = np.array(yData) y_sp = catmap.spline(xData[sorted_order],yData[sorted_order],k=1) yi = y_sp(xi) maparray[:,i] = yi elif len(pts[0]) == 2: xData,yData = list(zip(*list(pts))) maparray = np.zeros((resolution[1],resolution[0],len(datas[0]))) datas = list(zip(*list(datas))) x_range,y_range = desc_rngs xi = np.linspace(*x_range+[resolution[0]]) yi = np.linspace(*y_range+[resolution[1]]) for i,Zdata in enumerate(datas): if minval: Zdata = np.array([max(zn,minval) for zn in Zdata]) if maxval: Zdata = np.array([min(zn,maxval) for zn in Zdata]) if log_interpolate == True: Zdata_log = np.array( [np.log(abs(float(zn))) for zn in Zdata]) z_sign = np.sign(griddata(xData,yData,Zdata,xi,yi)) z_num = griddata(xData,yData,Zdata_log,xi,yi) zi = np.exp(z_num)*z_sign else: zi = griddata(xData,yData,Zdata,xi,yi) maparray[:,:,i] = zi return maparray
[docs] @staticmethod def array_to_map(array,descriptor_ranges,resolution): """ Convert numpy array object into CatMAP "map" data structure. :param array: Numpy array of size (resolution x resolution) corresponding to grid spanning descriptor_ranges. :type array: numpy.array :param descriptor_ranges: Minimum and maximum values of descriptor range for each dimension included in array. :type descriptor_ranges: [[float]] :param resolution: Resolution at which the descriptor ranges are sampled. :type resolution: int """ dim = len(array.shape) xy = [] ij = [] def make_ptlist(descriptor_ranges,resolution,pt_list=[],ij_list=[]): if descriptor_ranges: rng = descriptor_ranges.pop(0) vals = list(np.linspace(*rng+[resolution])) if not pt_list: new_pts = [[v] for v in vals] new_ij = [[i] for i in range(0,resolution)] else: new_pts = [] new_ij = [] for ij,pt in zip(ij_list,pt_list): for i,v in enumerate(vals): new_pts.append(pt+[v]) new_ij.append(ij+[i]) ij_list, pt_list = \ make_ptlist(descriptor_ranges,resolution,new_pts,new_ij) return ij_list, pt_list else: return ij_list, pt_list rngs = copy(descriptor_ranges) pt_idxs, pts = make_ptlist(rngs,resolution) def get_next_dim(array,xy_vec): if xy_vec: new_array = array[xy_vec.pop(-1)] new_array = get_next_dim(new_array,xy_vec) return new_array else: return list(array) datas = [] for ij in pt_idxs: data = get_next_dim(array,list(ij)) datas.append(data) mapp = list(zip(*[pts,datas])) return mapp
#Commonly used convenience functions
[docs] @staticmethod def same_rxn(rxn1,rxn2): """Determine if two reactions *rxn1* and *rxn2* are identical. :param rxn1: Elementary reaction list. See print_rxn for syntax. :type rxn1: [[str]] :param rxn2: Elementary reaction list. See print_rxn for syntax. :type rxn2: [[str]] """ def same_state(state1, state2): state1 = [s.replace('_s','') for s in state1] state2 = [s.replace('_s','') for s in state2] if sorted(state1) == sorted(state2): return True else: return False def get_IS_TS_FS(rxn): IS = rxn[0] FS = rxn[-1] if len(rxn) == 2: TS = [] elif len(rxn) > 2: TS = rxn[2] if same_state(TS,IS) or same_state(TS,FS): TS = [] return IS, TS, FS IS1, TS1, FS1 = get_IS_TS_FS(rxn1) IS2, TS2, FS2 = get_IS_TS_FS(rxn2) if ( same_state(IS1,IS2) and same_state(TS1, TS2) and same_state(FS1, FS2) ): return True else: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def reverse_rxn(rxn): """ Reverse the reaction provided. [[IS],[TS],[FS]] -> [[FS],[TS],[IS]] :param rxn: Reaction in CatMAP form: * [[IS],[TS],[FS]] for activated reaction * [[IS],[FS]] for non-activated reaction where IS,TS,FS correspond to the names of the species in the initial/transition/final states respectively. :type rxn: [[str]] """ if len(rxn) == 3: return [rxn[-1],rxn[1],rxn[0]] elif len(rxn) ==2: return [rxn[-1],rxn[0]] else: raise UserWarning('Incorrect reaction format:'+str(rxn))
[docs] def get_rxn_energy(self,rxn,energy_dict): """ Calculate reaction energy given the energies of all species. :param rxn: Reaction in CatMAP form: * [[IS],[TS],[FS]] for activated reaction * [[IS],[FS]] for non-activated reaction where IS,TS,FS correspond to the names of the species in the initial/transition/final states respectively. :type rxn: [[str]] :param energy_dict: Dictionary of energies for all species. Keys should be species names and values should be energies. :type energy_dict: dict """ IS = rxn[0] FS = rxn[-1] if len(rxn) <= 2: TS = None else: TS = rxn[1] E_IS = self.get_state_energy(IS,energy_dict) E_FS = self.get_state_energy(FS,energy_dict) if TS: E_TS = self.get_state_energy(TS,energy_dict) else: E_TS = max(E_IS,E_FS) dE = E_FS - E_IS E_a = max(0,(E_TS - E_IS),(E_FS - E_IS)) return dE, E_a
[docs] def get_state_energy(self,rxn_state,energy_dict): """ Calculate energy of a "reaction state" (list of species) given the energies of all species. :param rxn_state: List of intermediate species (must be defined in species_definitions) :type rxn: [[str]] :param energy_dict: Dictionary of energies for all species. Keys should be species names and values should be energies. :type energy_dict: dict """ energy = 0 for species in rxn_state: if species in energy_dict: energy += energy_dict[species] elif self.species_definitions[species]['type'] == 'site': energy += self._site_energies[self.site_names.index(species)] return energy
[docs] def adsorption_to_reaction_energies(self,free_energy_dict): """ Convert adsorption formation energies to reaction energies/barriers. :param free_energy_dict: Dictionary containing free energies for each species in the reaction network. :type free_energy_dict: dict """ Grxn_Ga = [] for rxn in self.elementary_rxns: dG, G_a = self.get_rxn_energy(rxn,free_energy_dict) Grxn_Ga.append([dG,G_a]) return Grxn_Ga
[docs] def make_standalone(self, standalone_script=''): """Create a stand alone script containing the current model. :param standalone_script: The name of the file where the standalone script is created []. :type standalone_script: str """ txt = '' for func in self._function_strings: txt+= self._function_strings[func] txt += '\n'*3 f = open(standalone_script, 'w') f.write(txt) f.close()
[docs] def generate_echem_TS(self): """generates fake transition state species from self.echem_transition_state_names and populates self.species_definitions with them. """ for echem_TS in self.echem_transition_state_names: preamble, site = echem_TS.split('_') echem, rxn_index, barrier = preamble.split('-') rxn_index = int(rxn_index) barrier = float(barrier) self.species_definitions[echem_TS] = {} self.species_definitions[echem_TS]['type'] = 'transition_state' self.species_definitions[echem_TS]['site'] = site self.species_definitions[echem_TS]['formation_energy_source'] = ["Generated by CatMAP"] * len(self.surface_names) self.species_definitions[echem_TS]['formation_energy'] = [0.] * len(self.surface_names) self.species_definitions[echem_TS]['frequencies'] = [] self.species_definitions[echem_TS]['name'] = preamble self.species_definitions[echem_TS]['n_sites'] = 1 # Someone may want to change this to be user-specified at some point self.species_definitions[echem_TS]['composition'] = {'H':1} #placeholder composition - should be unimportant # add echem TSs to regular TSes - this might be more trouble than it's worth self.transition_state_names += tuple(self.echem_transition_state_names)
[docs] def generate_echem_species_definitions(self): """Generates proper species_definitions entries for ele_g, H_g, or OH_g. """ if not any(ads in ['ele_g', 'H_g', 'OH_g'] for ads in self.species_definitions.keys()): return self.pH = getattr(self, 'pH', 0) # Default to RHE scale for ads in ['ele_g', 'H_g', 'OH_g']: if not self.species_definitions.get(ads): continue self.species_definitions[ads]['formation_energy_source'] = "Generated by CatMAP" self.species_definitions[ads]['formation_energy'] = 0. self.species_definitions[ads]['frequencies'] = [] self.species_definitions[ads]['pressure'] = 1.
[docs] def set_rxn_options(self): """sets elementary rxn-specific attributes to the appropriate places""" # set up prefactor_list if self.rxn_options_dict['prefactor']: if not self.prefactor_list: self.prefactor_list = [None] * len(self.elementary_rxns) for key, value in self.rxn_options_dict['prefactor'].items(): if value == "None": value = None else: value = float(value) self.prefactor_list[key] = value