Source code for catmap.functions

import numpy as np
import catmap
import re
from copy import copy
from ase.atoms import string2symbols
import warnings

[docs]def get_composition(species_string): """ Convert string of species into a dictionary of species and the number of each species. :param species_string: A string of the reaction species. Should be a chemical formula string that may also contain '-','&',or,'pe'. 'pe' is a special case corresponding to a proton-electron pair and has the compositon of H, while ele corresponds to an electron and has no associated atoms. :type species: str """ composition = {} # clean up transition states and electrochem species_string = species_string.replace('-','') species_string = species_string.replace('pe','H') species_string = species_string.replace('&','') species_string = species_string.replace('ele','') try: symbs = string2symbols(species_string) for a in set(symbs): composition[a] = symbs.count(a) except ValueError: composition = None return composition
[docs]def cartesian_product(*args, **kwds): """ Take the Cartesian product .. todo:: Explain what the args and kwds are """ # product('ABCD', 'xy') --> Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy Dx Dy # product(range(2), repeat=3) --> 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 pools = [list(map(tuple, args)) for _ in range(kwds.get('repeat', 1))][0] result = [[]] for pool in pools: result = [x+[y] for x in result for y in pool] for prod in result: yield tuple(prod)
[docs]def convert_formation_energies(energy_dict,atomic_references,composition_dict): """ Convert dictionary of energies, atomic references and compositions into a dictionary of formation energies :param energy_dict: Dictionary of energies for all species. Keys should be species names and values should be energies. :type energy_dict: dict :param atomic_references: Dictionary of atomic reference energies (?) :type atomic_references: dict :param composition_dict: Dictionary of compositions :type composition_dict: dict .. todo:: Explain the keys and values for energy_dict, atomic_references, and composition_dict """ n = len(atomic_references) R = np.zeros((n,n)) e = [] ref_offsets = {} atoms = sorted(atomic_references) for i,a in enumerate(atoms): composition = composition_dict[atomic_references[a]] e.append(energy_dict[atomic_references[a]]) for j,a in enumerate(atoms): n_a = composition.get(a,0) R[i,j] = n_a if not[R[i,i] for i in range(0,n)]): raise ValueError('Reference set is not valid.') e = np.array(e) try: R_inv = np.linalg.solve(R,np.eye(n)) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: raise ValueError('Reference set is not valid.') x = list(,e)) for a,v in zip(atoms,x): ref_offsets[a] = v new_data = {} for key in energy_dict: composition = composition_dict[key] E = energy_dict[key] for symb in composition: E -= ref_offsets[symb]*composition[symb] new_data[key] = round(E,5) return new_data,ref_offsets
[docs]def parse_constraint(minmaxlist,name): """ Parse constraints for the relation. Returns two lists of minimum and maximum constraints :param minmaxlist: List of minimum and maximum constraints. :type minmaxlist: list :param name: Name for the list of constraints. :type name: str .. todo:: Explain minmaxlist and name """ minlist = [] maxlist = [] for mm in minmaxlist: try: if mm is None: minv = -1e99 maxv = 1e99 elif str(mm).count(':') == 1: minv,maxv = [float(v) for v in mm.split(':')] elif mm == '+': minv = 0 maxv = 1e99 elif mm == '-': minv = -1e99 maxv = 0 else: minv = float(mm) maxv = float(mm) except (ValueError,TypeError,AttributeError): raise ValueError('Could not parse constraint for '+\ name+': '+str(minmaxlist)) minlist.append(minv) maxlist.append(maxv) return minlist,maxlist
[docs]def constrained_relaxation( A,b,x0,x_min,x_max,max_iter = 100000,tolerance = 1e-10): """ Solve Ax=b subject to the constraints that x_i > x_min_i and x_i < x_max_i. Algorithm is from Axelson 1996. Note that x_min/Max are both lists/arrays of length equal to x :param A: A matrix. :type A: numpy.array :param b: b vector. :type b: numpy.array :param x0: x vector :type x0: numpy.array :param x_min: Minimum constraints. :type x_min: array_like :param x_max: Maximum constraints. :type x_max: array_like :param max_iter: Maximum number of iterations. :type max_iter: int, optional :param tolerance: Tolerance. :type tolerance: float, optional .. todo:: Check to make sure docstring is correct. """ #define functional corresponding to Ax=b def J(x,A,b): """ Functional of x which corresponds to Ax=b for the relaxation method used. :param x: x vector. :type x: array_like :param A: A matrix. :type A: numpy.array :param b: b vector. :param b: array_like .. todo:: Check that docstring is correct """ answer =,A.T),A),x) - 2*,A),x) return answer ai = x_min bi = x_max N = len(x0) def find_min(q): """ Find minimum .. todo:: Explain what this does in the context of constrained_relaxation. """ u[q] = 0 v =,u) num1 = 0 num2 = 0 denom = 0 Aq = A[:,q] for k in range(0,N): num2 +=,Aq) num1 +=,Aq) denom +=,Aq) zeta = (num1-num2)/denom if zeta > bi[q]: zeta = bi[q] if zeta < ai[q]: zeta = ai[q] return zeta u = catmap.copy(x0) nIter =0 converged = False while nIter < max_iter and converged == False: nIter += 1 fOld = J(u,A,b) for j in range(0,N): u[j] = find_min(j) fNew = J(u,A,b) fDiff = fOld - fNew if np.linalg.norm(fDiff) < tolerance: converged = True if converged == True: return u else: raise ValueError('Constrained relaxation did not converge.'+ 'Residual was '+str(np.linalg.norm(fDiff)))
[docs]def scaling_coefficient_matrix( parameter_dict, descriptor_dict, surface_names, parameter_names=None, coeff_mins = 0, coeff_maxs = 1e99, return_error_dict = False): """Class for determining adsorption and transition-state energies as a linear function of descriptors. :param parameter_dict: Dictionary where the key is adsorbate name and the value is a list of adsorption energies for each surface. If some surfaces do not have an adsorption energy use None as a placeholder. :type parameter_dict: dict :param descriptor_dict: Dictionary where the key is surface name and the value is a list of descriptor values for each surface. :type descriptor_dict: dict :param surface_names: List of surfaces which defines the order of surface adsorption energies in parameter_dict. :type surface_names: list :param parameter_names: List of adsorbates which defines the order of adsorption coefficients in the output. Default is the order of parameter_dict.keys(). :type parameter_names: list, optional :param coeff_mins: Defines the minimum value of the coefficient for each descriptor. Should be a matrix/array/list of lists which matches the shape of the expected output. :type coeff_mins: float, optional :param coeff_maxs: Same as coeff_mins but for the maximum value of the coefficient. :type coeff_maxs: float, optional :param return_error_dict: Specify whether or not to return a dictionary of the errors. :type return_error_dict: bool, optional """ #Define adsorbate order if it isn't if not parameter_names: parameter_names = parameter_dict.keys() #Check that input dictionaries are valid. def check_lengths(dictionary,force_numeric = False): """ Check that the input dictionaries are valid. :param dictionary: Input dictionary. :type dictionary: dict :param force_numeric: Ensure that all values in the dictionary are numeric. :type force_numeric: bool, optional """ for val in dictionary.values(): if len(val) != len(list(dictionary.values())[0]): key_len = '\n'.join([key+':'+str(len(dictionary[key])) for key in dictionary]) raise ValueError('All values must be lists of same length.'+ 'Use None as placeholder. \nKey:Length\n'+key_len) if force_numeric: try: [float(num) for num in val] except: raise ValueError('All values must be numeric. '+ 'Error when parsing ' + str(val)) check_lengths(parameter_dict,False) check_lengths(descriptor_dict,True) #initialize coefficient matrix that will be returned. C = np.zeros( (len(list(descriptor_dict.values())[0])+1,len(list(parameter_dict.keys())))) #initialize error dictionary that will be returned #(if return_error_dict=True) error_dict = {} for key in parameter_dict: error_dict[key] = [None]*len(surface_names) #initialize descriptor matrix that will be used if #all surfaces are present for a given adsorbate Dtotal = np.zeros((len(surface_names),len(list(descriptor_dict.values())[0])+1)) for i,Dsurf in enumerate(surface_names): Dtotal[i,-1] = 1 #constant term. for j,DE in enumerate(descriptor_dict[Dsurf]): Dtotal[i,j] = float(DE) for Nads,ads in enumerate(parameter_names): #construct vectors for relaxation method. A = [] #if mins and maxs are equal then the system is fully constrained and #there is no reason to solve for the parameters. However, in order to #preserve ordering we use the known coeffs to put in "scaled" parameter #energy values and solve for the coefficients which, by definition, will #come out to be the same as the constraints. if coeff_mins[Nads] == coeff_maxs[Nads]: coeffs = coeff_mins[Nads] surfs = surface_names for surf in surfs: descriptors_i = descriptor_dict[surf] ads_i = sum([ci*di for ci,di in zip(coeffs,descriptors_i)]) + coeffs[-1] A.append(ads_i) #construct parameter vector A from parameters #if coefficients are not totally constrained if not A: A = [val for val in parameter_dict[ads] if val is not None] surfs = [surface_names[i] for i,val in enumerate(parameter_dict[ads]) if val is not None] #determine the surfaces which have #parameter energy values for this adsorbate try: A = np.array([float(val) for val in A]) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Non-numeric value for the ' 'parameters of '+ads+'.') #construct "descriptor" matrix (note that this is done inside the #for loop to allow different parameters to have different number #of surfaces) if len(surfs) <= len(list(descriptor_dict.values())[0])+1: warnings.warn('Number of energies specified is less than the number' 'of free parameters for '+ads+'. Scaling is not reliable' 'unless parameters are explicitly specified in ' ' constraints_dict.') if len(surfs) == len(surface_names): D = Dtotal else: D = np.zeros((len(surfs),len(list(descriptor_dict.values())[0])+1)) for i,Dsurf in enumerate(surfs): D[i,-1] = 1 #constant term. for j,DE in enumerate(descriptor_dict[Dsurf]): D[i,j] = float(DE) #find initial guess for the "coefficient" matrix by solving the #unconstrained least-squares problem Dc=A using psuedo-inverse #of D (note that this is not efficient, but it doesn't matter #for such small matrices) D = np.array(D) A = np.array(A) if len(A) > 1: Dinv = np.linalg.pinv(D) c0 =,A) #use relaxation method to solve the problem subject to the #constraints specified by coeff_mins/Maxs. cMin = coeff_mins[Nads] cMax = coeff_maxs[Nads] c = constrained_relaxation( D,A,c0,cMin,cMax) elif coeff_mins[Nads] == coeff_maxs[Nads]: c = coeff_mins[Nads] elif A: #If there is only one data point, assume constant. warnings.warn('Assuming constant value for: '+ads) c = [0]*len(Dtotal[i,:]) c[-1] = A[0] else: warnings.warn('No data found for : '+ads+', assuming scaling parameters are 0.') c = [0]*len(Dtotal[i,:]) for Ndesc,coeff in enumerate(c): C[Ndesc,Nads] = np.round(coeff,5) if return_error_dict == True: err =,c) - A for surf,errVal in zip(surfs,err): index = surface_names.index(surf) error_dict[ads][index] = np.round(errVal,6) if return_error_dict == True: return C, error_dict else: return C
[docs]def linear_regression(x,y,constrain_slope=None): """ Perform linear regression on x and y and return the slope and intercept. :param x: x-coordinates. :type x: array_like :param y: y-coordinates. :type y: array_like :param constrain_slope: Slope constraint :type constrain_slope: float, optional """ if constrain_slope is None: m,b = catmap.plt.polyfit(x,y,1) else: m = float(constrain_slope) b = sum([yi-m*xi for xi,yi in zip(x,y)])/len(x) return m,b
[docs]def match_regex(string,regex,group_names): """ Find matching regular expression in string and return a dictionary of the matched expressions. :param string: String. :type string: str :param regex: Regular expression. :type regex: str :param group_names: Corresponding names for each matched group. :type group_names: list .. todo:: Check that this docstring is correct. """ match_dict = {} match = re.match(regex,string) if match: for name,val in zip(group_names,match.groups()): match_dict[name] = val return match_dict else: return None
[docs]def numerical_jacobian(f, x, matrix, h = 1e-10,diff_idxs=None): """ Calculate the Jacobian matrix of a function at the point x0. This is the first derivative of a vectorial function: f : R^m -> R^n with m >= n Hacked from mpmath.calculus.optimize :param f: Function. :type f: callable :param x: :type x: :param matrix: :type matrix: :param h: :type h: float, optional .. todo:: Fill in the descriptions for f, x, matrix, and h """ x = matrix(x) fx = matrix(f(x)) m = len(fx) n = len(x) J = matrix(m, n) if not diff_idxs: diff_idxs = range(n) for j in diff_idxs: xj = x.copy() delta = abs(h*xj[j]) delta = max(delta,h) #using delta proportional to xj is more stable #for very small numbers. xj[j] += delta Jj = (matrix(f(xj)) - fx)/(delta) for i in range(m): J[i,j] = Jj[i] return J
[docs]def smooth_piecewise_linear(theta_tot,slope=1,cutoff=0.25,smoothing=0.05): """ Smooth piecewise linear function. :param theta_tot: :type theta_tot: :param slope: slope of line :type slope: float, optional :param cutoff: Cutoff. :type cutoff: float, optional :param smoothing: Amount of smoothing. :type smoothing: float, optional .. todo:: Fill in descriptions and types for theta_tot """ x1 = cutoff + smoothing x0 = cutoff - smoothing if theta_tot <= x0: c_0 = 0 dC = 0 d2C = 0 elif theta_tot <= x1: alpha = slope/(2*(x1-x0)) c_0 = (alpha*(theta_tot-x0)**2)/theta_tot dC = alpha*(1-(x0/theta_tot)**2) d2C = (2*alpha*x0**2)/(theta_tot**3) else: c_0 = slope*(theta_tot - cutoff)/theta_tot dC = slope*(cutoff/(theta_tot**2)) d2C = (-2*slope*cutoff)/(theta_tot**3) return c_0, dC, d2C
[docs]def offset_smooth_piecewise_linear(theta_tot,slope=1,cutoff=0.25, smoothing=0.05, offset=0.1): """ Piecewise linear function with an offset. Not equivalent to piecewise linear for second-order interactions :param theta_tot: :type theta_tot: :param max_coverage: Maximum coverage. :type max_coverage: int, optional :param cutoff: Cutoff. :type cutoff: float, optional :param smoothing: Smoothing. :type smoothing: smoothing, optional :param offset: Offset. :type offset: float, optional .. todo:: Fill in description for theta_tot """ c_0, dC, d2C = smooth_piecewise_linear(theta_tot,slope,cutoff,smoothing) c_0 += offset return c_0, dC, d2C
[docs]def add_dict_in_place(dict1, dict2): """ Updates dict1 with elements in dict2 if they do not exist. otherwise, add the value for key in dict2 to the value for that key in dict1 :param dict1: Dictionary. :type dict1: dict :param dict2: Dictionary. :type dict2: dict """ for k, v in dict2.items(): # inefficient in Py2 but at least works in Py3 if k in dict1: dict1[k] += dict2[k] else: dict1[k] = dict2[k]
[docs]def fetch_all_output_variables(): """Use code-inspection to extract all processed output variables from catmap.scalers.scaler_base.ScalerBase.set_output_attrs, catmap.solvers.solver_base.SolverBase.set_output_attrs New keywords should work out of the box if they are added in one of those functions and using one of the kind of if-statements that are already in place. """ import ast import inspect import catmap import catmap.scalers import catmap.solvers keywords = [] for infunc in [ catmap.scalers.scaler_base.ScalerBase.set_output_attrs, catmap.solvers.solver_base.SolverBase.set_output_attrs ]: source = inspect.getsource(infunc) unsource = '' for line in source.split('\n'): unsource += line[4:] + '\n' node = ast.parse(unsource) f = node.body[0] class IfLister(ast.NodeVisitor): """ast.NodeVisitor subclass that extracts string keywords from a function that parses keyword variables using code inspection. """ def visit_If(self, node): """Override default behavior for visiting an if-statement. """ if hasattr(node.test, 'left'): if hasattr(node.test.left, 's'): keywords.append(node.test.left.s) # Done elif hasattr(node.test, 'comparators'): for comparator in node.test.comparators: if hasattr(comparator, 's'): keywords.append(comparator.s) else: pass # dead-end else: pass # dead-end elif hasattr(node.test, 'func'): if hasattr(node.test.func, 'value'): if hasattr(node.test.func.value, 'args'): if hasattr(node.test.func.value.args[0], 'elts'): for elt in node.test.func.value.args[0].elts: keywords.append(elt.s) elif hasattr(node.test, 'values'): for elt in node.test.values: if hasattr(elt, 'left') and hasattr(elt.left, 's'): keywords.append(elt.left.s) else: pass # dead-end IfLister().visit(f) return keywords