Source code for catmap.analyze.vector_map

from .analysis_base import *
from string import Template

[docs]class VectorMap(MapPlot, ReactionModelWrapper): """ .. todo:: __doc__ """
[docs] def __init__(self,reaction_model): self._rxm = copy(reaction_model) #use copy to avoid changing model MapPlot.__init__(self) self.descriptor_labels = None self.log_scale = False self.plot_variable = 'coverage' self.plot_mode = 'separate' self.include_empty = False self.unique_only = False self.include_indices = None self.include_labels = None self.threshold = 0 #count anything less than this as 0 self.labels = None self.plot_precision = 5 #round to this precision when testing for uniqueness
[docs] def get_pts_cols(self): """ .. todo:: __doc__ """ mapp = getattr(self, self.plot_variable+'_map') if not mapp: raise AttributeError('No output found for ' + self.plot_variable) pts,datas = list(zip(*mapp)) # stupid hack for 1d plotting: if resolution in the y-direction is 1, make pts # an array of 1d vectors instead of 2d vectors. Currently, 1d plotting can # only be done if resolution is set to [x_res, 1] if hasattr(self._rxm.resolution, '__iter__') and self._rxm.resolution[1] == 1: pts = [[first] for first, second in pts] cols = list(zip(*datas)) return pts,cols
[docs] def include_labels_to_idxs(self): """ .. todo:: __doc__ """ if self.include_labels: labels = self.output_labels[self.plot_variable] label_idxs = [labels.index(L) for L in self.include_labels] if self.include_indices: print('Warning: Both labels and indices were specified.'+\ 'The union of the sets will be used') else: self.include_indices = [] include_indices = list(set(label_idxs+self.include_indices)) return include_indices
[docs] def get_included_indices(self,pts,cols): """ .. todo:: __doc__ """ include_indices = self.include_labels_to_idxs() if not include_indices: include_indices = list(range(0,len(list(cols)))) if not self.include_empty: for i,col in enumerate(cols): if max([abs(c) for c in col]) <= self.threshold: if i in include_indices: include_indices.remove(i) if self.unique_only: def filter(val): val = float(val) if self.min: val = max(val,self.min) if self.max: val = min(val,self.max) if self.log_scale == True: val = np.log10(abs(val)) val = round(val,self.plot_precision) return val r_cols = [tuple([filter(ci) for ci in c]) for c in cols] u_cols = list(set(r_cols)) unique_ids = [r_cols.index(c) for c in u_cols] include_idxs = [] for idx in include_indices: if idx in unique_ids: include_idxs.append(idx) include_indices = include_idxs return include_indices
[docs] def get_labels(self): """ .. todo:: __doc__ """ labels = self.output_labels[self.plot_variable] if self.label_template: template = Template(self.label_template) label_strs = [template.substitute({'i':li}) for li in labels] else: labels = [str(li) for li in labels] return labels
[docs] def plot(self,ax=None,ax_list=None,save=True): """ .. todo:: __doc__ """ pts,cols = self.get_pts_cols() include_indices = self.get_included_indices(pts,cols) datas = list(zip(*cols)) mapp = list(zip(pts,datas)) if not self.labels: self.map_plot_labels = self.get_labels() if not self.descriptor_labels: self.descriptor_labels = self.descriptor_names if self.plot_mode == 'separate': fig = self.plot_separate(mapp,ax_list,indices=include_indices) elif self.plot_mode == 'single': if ax_list: ax = ax_list[0] else: ax = None fig = self.plot_weighted(mapp,ax=ax,indices=idxs),save=save, default_name = self.model_name+'_'+self.plot_variable+'.pdf') self._ax = ax self._ax_list = ax_list self._fig = fig return fig