Source code for catmap.analyze.mechanism

from .analysis_base import *
import numpy as np
from math import log
from catmap.functions import convert_formation_energies
    from graphviz import Digraph
except ImportError:
    print('Warning! graphviz not imported.')
from itertools import chain, product

[docs]class MechanismAnalysis(MechanismPlot,ReactionModelWrapper,MapPlot): """ A simple tool for the generation of potential energy diagrams from a reaction network. """
[docs] def __init__(self,reaction_model=None): """ Class for generating potential energy diagrams. :param reaction_model: The ReactionModel object to load. """ self._rxm = reaction_model defaults = {'pressure_correction':True, 'min_pressure':1e-12, 'energy_type':'free_energy', 'include_labels':False, 'subplots_adjust_kwargs':{}, 'line_offset':0, 'kwarg_dict':{}} self._rxm.update(defaults) self.data_dict = {} MechanismPlot.__init__(self,[0])
[docs] def plot(self,ax=None,plot_variants=None,mechanisms=None, labels=None,save=True): """ Generates the potential energy diagram plot :param ax: Matplotlib Axes object to optionally plot into :param plot_variants: Which PEDs to plot. Defaults to all surfaces or all applied voltages :param plot_variants: list of voltages (if electrochemical) or descriptor tuples to plot :param mechanisms: Which reaction pathways to plot. Each integer corresponds to an elementary step. Elementary steps are indexed in the order that they are input with 1 being the first index. Negative integers are used to designate reverse reactions. Read in from model.rxn_mechanisms by default :type mechanisms: {string:[int]} :param labels: Labels for each state. Can be generated automatically :type labels: [string] :param save: Whether to write plot to file :type save: bool """ if not ax: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() if not mechanisms: mechanisms = self.rxn_mechanisms.values() if not plot_variants and self.descriptor_dict: plot_variants = self.surface_names elif not plot_variants and 'voltage' in self.descriptor_names: voltage_idx = self.descriptor_names.index('voltage') v_min, v_max = self.descriptor_ranges[voltage_idx] plot_variants = np.linspace(v_min, v_max, 5) if not self.plot_variant_colors: self.plot_variant_colors = get_colors(max(len(plot_variants),len(mechanisms))) self.kwarg_list = [] for key in self.rxn_mechanisms.keys(): self.kwarg_list.append(self.kwarg_dict.get(key,{})) for n,mech in enumerate(mechanisms): for i, variant in enumerate(plot_variants): if self.descriptor_dict: xy = self.descriptor_dict[variant] elif 'voltage' in self.descriptor_names: voltage_idx = self.descriptor_names.index('voltage') xy = [0, 0] xy[voltage_idx] = variant xy[1-voltage_idx] = self.descriptor_ranges[1-voltage_idx][0] else: xy = variant if '-' not in xy: self.thermodynamics.current_state = None #force recalculation self._rxm._descriptors = xy if self.energy_type == 'free_energy': energy_dict = self.scaler.get_free_energies(xy) elif self.energy_type == 'potential_energy': energy_dict = self.scaler.get_free_energies(xy) energy_dict.update(self.scaler.get_electronic_energies(xy)) elif self.energy_type == 'interacting_energy': if not self.interacting_energy_map: raise ValueError('No interacting energy map found.') G_dict = {} G_labels = self.output_labels['interacting_energy'] xyo = self.nearest_mapped_point(self.interacting_energy_map,xy) if xyo != xy: print('Warning: No output at: '+str(xy)+'. Using output from: '+str(xyo)) xy = xyo self._rxm._descriptors = xyo valid = False for pt, energies in self.interacting_energy_map: if pt == xy: valid = True for ads,E in zip(G_labels, energies): G_dict[ads] = E if valid == False: raise UserWarning('No coverages found for '+xy+' in map') if not G_dict: raise ValueError('No energies found for point: ', xy) energy_dict = self.scaler.get_free_energies(xy) #get gas G's energy_dict.update(G_dict) if self.pressure_correction == True: for key in energy_dict: if key.endswith('_g'): P = self.gas_pressures[self.gas_names.index(key)] energy_dict[key] += self._kB*self.temperature*log(P) if self.coverage_correction == True: if not self.coverage_map: raise UserWarning('No coverage map found.') cvg_labels = self.output_labels['interacting_energy'] valid = False for pt, cvgs in self.coverage_map: if pt == xy: valid = True for ads,cvg in zip(cvg_labels, cvgs): energy_dict[ads] += self._kB*self.temperature*log( float(cvg)) if valid == False: raise UserWarning('No coverages found for '+str(xy)+' in map') params = self.adsorption_to_reaction_energies(energy_dict) self.energies = [0] self.barriers = [] self.labels = [''] if len(plot_variants) > 1: self.energy_line_args['color'] = \ self.barrier_line_args['color'] = \ self.plot_variant_colors[i] else: self.energy_line_args['color'] = \ self.barrier_line_args['color'] = \ self.plot_variant_colors[n] for step in mech: if str(step).startswith('half'): step = int(step.replace('half','')) split = True else: split = False if step < 0: reverse = True step = step*-1 else: reverse = False p = params[step-1] if reverse == True: nrg = -1*p[0] bar = p[1] + nrg species = self.elementary_rxns[step-1][0] L = self.label_maker(species) self.labels.append(L) else: nrg = p[0] bar = p[1] species = self.elementary_rxns[step-1][-1] L = self.label_maker(species) if split: L = L.strip() if L.startswith('2'): L = L[1:] else: L = r'$\frac{1}{2}$'+L L = ' '+L #add padding back. self.labels.append(L) if split == False: self.energies.append(nrg) self.barriers.append(bar) elif split == True: self.energies.append(0.5*nrg) self.barriers.append(0) #split steps cannot have barriers. if labels and self.include_labels: self.labels = labels elif self.labels and self.include_labels: pass else: self.labels = [] for e, e_a,rxn in zip(self.energies[1:],self.barriers,mech): if rxn < 0: reverse = True rxn = rxn*-1 else: reverse = False self.data_dict[list(self.rxn_mechanisms.keys())[n]] = [self.energies, self.barriers] kwargs = self.kwarg_list[n] for key in kwargs: setattr(self,key,kwargs[key]) self.initial_energy += self.line_offset self.draw(ax) if self.energy_type == 'free_energy': ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta G$ [eV]') elif self.energy_type == 'potential_energy': ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta E$ [eV]') if self.energy_type == 'interacting_energy': ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta G_{interacting}$ [eV]') fig.subplots_adjust(**self.subplots_adjust_kwargs),fig, save=save,default_name=self.model_name+'_pathway.pdf') self._fig = fig self._ax = ax return fig
[docs] def label_maker(self,species): """ .. todo:: __doc__ """ species = [s for s in species if self.species_definitions[s].get('type',None) not in 'site'] new_species = [] for sp in species: name,site = sp.split('_') for kj in range(0,9): name = name.replace(str(kj), '$_{'+str(kj)+'}$') if site == 'g': new_species.append(name+'(g)') else: new_species.append(name+'*') species_set = list(set(new_species)) if species_set != new_species: species = [str(new_species.count(sp))+sp for sp in species_set] else: species = new_species L = '+'.join(species) return ' '+L
[docs] def create_graph(self, mechanism=None, filename=None, exclude_sites = True, exclude_ts = False): """ Creates a directed acyclic graph corresponding to the reaction nework. Leaves out the surface states. :param mechanism: mechanism to select for the graph :param filename: filename for output :param exclude_sites: boolean for whether to exclude sites from graph :param exclude_ts: boolean for whether to exclude transition states from graph """ if mechanism is not None: el_rxns = [self.elementary_rxns[i] for i in set(self.rxn_mechanisms.get(mechanism))] else: el_rxns = self.elementary_rxns # Create the dag dot = Digraph(comment=mechanism) # Create set of species species = chain.from_iterable(chain.from_iterable(el_rxns)) if exclude_sites: species = {s for s in species if len(s) > 1} if exclude_ts: species = {s for s in species if not '-' in s} for specie in species: dot.node(specie) # Add rxn steps for el_rxn in el_rxns: if exclude_ts: el_rxn.pop(1) for n in range(len(el_rxn) - 1): for path in product(el_rxn[n], el_rxn[n+1]): if set(path) < set(species): dot.edge(*path) if filename is not None: dot.render(filename) return dot